Privacy policy

Data protection:

The controller of your personal data, as construed in the Personal Data Protection Act of 10 May 2018 implementing the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) is:


VIVADENTAL Spółka z o.o.

Aleja Zwycięstwa 48

80-210 Gdańsk, Polska

Telephone: 58 358 85 00




The Viva Estetica Aesthetic Medicine Centre is an organisational unit established by Vivadental Spółka z o.o., REGON: 190551416-00053, and administrator of the website


What personal data do we collect and why do we collect them?

●      Comments
When a person visiting our website leaves a comment, we collect the data visible on the comment form, as well as the guest’s IP address and the signature of his/her browser as an aid in spam detection.  The anonymised series of characters created based on your email address (the co-called hash) may be sent to the Gravatar service so as to verify if it is you that is using it.  The privacy policy of the Gravatar service is available here:  Once the comment is approved, your profile image will be displayed publicly in the context of your comment.

●      Media
If you are a registered user and upload images to the website, you should avoid sending images appended with location EXIF tags.  Visitors to our website might download and read full location data from the images uploaded there.

●      Contact forms
If you use the contact form, your data will be recoded so that we can fulfil your request or respond to your query.

●      Embedded content from other websites
The publications on this website may contain embedded content (e.g. films, images, papers, etc.)  Embedded content from other websites functions the same as if the user visited the specific website directly.

These websites may collect information about you, use cookies, embed additional external tracking systems, and monitor your interactions with the embedded material, including the tracking of your interactions with the embedded material, if you have an account on that website and are logged into it.


Analysis of the statistical data

Our website collects information on your activity on our website.  The system collects information on your approximate location, activity on the website, the time spent on the website, history of searches, and sources of the visits.  These statistical data are anonymous, which means we don’t know your personal data or address.


Who do we share the data with?

Our company does not sell data to any third party companies or persons.  We only exchange data with the natural and legal persons who cooperate with us so as to perform our services.  The companies we cooperate with are:

●      INFOTEL SOFTWARE Sp. z o.o. , ul. Rybacka 7 (pok. 404, IV p.), 53-656 Wrocław

●      Vivamedia Sp. z o. o., Aleja Zwycięstwa 48; 80-210 Gdańsk

●      Vivadental’s ‘For Children’ Foundation, Aleja Zwycięstwa 48; 80-210 Gdańsk


How long do we store your data?

If you leave a comment, its content and metadata will be stored for an unspecified term. It enables us to recognise and approve any further comments automatically, without sending each comment for moderation.  In the case of the users registered on our website (if there are any), we also store personal information entered in the profile.  Each user can access, rectify, or erase their personal data at any time (except for the user name which you cannot change).  The website administrators can also view and modify the data.


What are your rights to your data?

If you have your user account or have added comments on the website, you can request that an email with exported complete set of your personal data in our possession be sent to you, including all data provided by you.  You can also request erasure of all your personal data in our possession.  This does not apply to the data which we are obliged to keep for administrational, legal, or safety reasons.


Based on the GDPR you have the right to:

●      request access to your personal data;

●      request rectification of your personal data;

●      request erasure of your personal data;

●      request restriction of the processing of your personal;

●      object to the processing of your personal data;

●      request transmission of your personal data.

The controller of the personal data shall, without undue delay and in any case no later than within one month following the request, provide you with information on the actions taken in response to your request.  If necessary, the required monthly term can be extended by another two months if the complicated nature of the request or the number of requests require so.


In each and every case, the Controller of your personal data shall notify you of such extension within one month following the date the request was received, stating the causes of the delay.


The right of access to personal data (Art. 15 GDPR)

You have the right to obtain information from the Controller about the way in which your personal data are processed.

If the Controller processes your personal data, you have the right to:

●      access your personal data;

●      obtain information on the purposes of the processing, categories of the personal data processed, the recipients or categories of recipients of the data, the planned period of storage of your data or the criteria for determining the period, on the rights you enjoy under the GDPR, and the right to file a complaint with the supervisory body, on the source of the data, on automated decision making, the profiling included, and on the security measures applied in connection with transmitting the data outside of the European Union;

●      obtain a copy of your personal data.

If you want to request access to your personal data, send your request to:


The right to rectification of your personal data (Art. 16 GDPR)

If your personal data are incorrect, you have the right to request the Controller to rectify them immediately.  You also have the right to request the Controller to supplement your personal data.  If you want to request rectifying or complementing your personal data, send your request to:


The right to erasure of personal data, the so-called ‘right to be forgotten’ (Art. 17 GDPR)

You have the right to request the Controller to erase your personal data if:

●      your data are no longer indispensable for the purposes for which they were collected or processed in any other way;

●      you have withdrawn the consent to the extent to which your personal data were processed based on your consent;

●      your personal data were processed unlawfully;

●      you have objected to the processing of your personal data for the purposes of direct marketing, the profiling included, to the extent the processing of personal data is related to direct marketing;

●      you have objected to the processing of your personal data in connection with the processing necessary for performing the task pursued to the public interest or the processing necessary for the purposes arising from legitimate interest pursued by the personal data Controller or a third party.

Despite the request for personal data erasure, the personal data Controller may continue to process your personal data so as to establish, pursue, or defend its claims, of which you will be notified.  If you want to request erasure of your personal data, send your request to:


You have the right to request restriction of the processing of your personal data (Art. 18 GDPR)

You have the right to request restriction of the processing of your personal data if:

●      you question the correctness of your personal data – the personal data Controller will restrict the processing of your personal data for the time necessary to verify the data correctness;

●      the processing of your personal data is unlawful, and you request restriction of the processing of your personal data instead of their erasure;

●      your personal data are no longer necessary for the processing purposes but they are necessary to establish, pursue, or defend your claims ;

●      you have objected to the processing of your personal data – until the time it is established whether the legitimate interest of the personal data Controller takes precedence over the grounds stated in your objection.

If you want to request restriction of the processing of your personal data, send your request to:


The right to object to the processing of personal data (Art. 21 GDPR)

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, the profiling included, at any time in connection with:

●      the processing necessary to perform the task pursued in the public interest, or the processing necessary for the purposes arising from legitimate interests;

●      the processing carried out by the personal data Controller or a third party;

●      the processing carried out for direct marketing purposes.

If you want to object to the processing of your personal data, send your request to:


The right to request transmission of your personal data (Art. 20 GDPR)

You have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format from the personal data Controller and to transmit those data to another controller.  You can also request the personal data Controller to transmit your personal data directly to another controller (if technically feasible). If you want to request transmission of your personal data, send you request to:


The right to withdraw the consent

You can withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time.  The withdrawal of your consent to the processing of your personal data does not affect lawfulness of the processing done based on your consent prior to the withdrawal.  If you want to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data, send your request to: or use the appropriate functionality of your Account.


Where do we send the data?

The comments of our guests can be checked using the automatic spam detection service.  Your data will be disclosed to the state authorities, e.g. Prosecution, Police, General Inspector for Personal Data Protection, President of the Office for the Protection of Consumers and Competition, if they ask us to do so.


Additional information

Haw are your data protected?

All your data are protected by the provider of our hosting services, and by our website security tools (the SSL protocol included).

What procedures do we apply if the privacy of data is breached?

In the case of a breach of data privacy we immediately notify all affected thereby, analyse the problem, and implement the solutions which will prevent similar situations in the future.



On our websites, we use the technologies such as the cookie files, local storage, any other similar tools aimed at the collection and processing of personal data and operational data so as to personalise the delivered content and displayed advertisements, and analyse movement on our websites.  The technologies are also used in the same way by our partners (e.g. Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel).


If you use the service without changing the browser settings, cookie files will be written in the files and stored on your end device (e.g. your PC, tablet, smartphone etc.) and sent by the browser to the server each time you access the website from that device.  If you do not consent for the use of the cookie files you should change your browser settings.